Libraries Commission - selection process: key criteria
A panel comprising DDF staff, Cultural Hub staff and independent artists will review all applications and make a final decision. The panel will be disability-led and take their decisions against the following key criteria:
· disability-led
· quality, innovation and ambition
· strong track record of creating work and reaching audiences
· evident experience of previous digital work or a clear proposal as to how these skills will be developed through the commission
· the role of any collaborations and partnerships (including with non-disability led companies/artists/producers) – these can be either planned or already developed
· How the work addresses the Libraries theme
· Deliverability – the work must be capable of being incorporated in the DaDaFest International 2020 Programme
We will also consider how the how the proposed work will add to the body of work that DaDaFest has previously commissioned – e.g. does it cover an art form we have never commissioned, does it have new partners involved or test a new platform etc. – and how it contributes to a balanced programme for DaDaFest International 2020.