Frequently Asked Questions - DaDaFest Micro Commissions

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Submitting an Application

How do I submit an application?

There are a number of ways you can apply.

Fill in the application form downloadable here and return by email to 

Unfortunately due to the pandemic our offices are closed so we cannot accept postal submissions.

We are also accepting proposals in video / audio format and BSL – please send a film / audio file no longer than 5 minutes to or send us a download link to the same address.

When can I apply? 

You can submit an application from 8 June 2020. The deadline for submissions is 5.00pm on Monday 20 July. We won’t be able to offer any extensions.

Is there any support available to help with submitting an application?

Yes. If you need any assistance with access, or the language and terminology in our application form, please get in touch with us via 

Unfortunately our offices are not open at the moment so we cannot take initial enquiries over the phone, though we can arrange a suitable time to speak or video call if required. 

When and how will the decisions be made?

A panel comprising DDF staff, Unlimited staff and independent artists will review all applications and make a final decision. The panel will be disability-led. 

The selection panel will meet in the third week of July and all applicants will be notified of the panel decision by 7 August at the latest.

I don’t have any documentation of my work – can I still apply? 

Yes, but your application would be much stronger if you are able to show examples of your work to the selection panel using either still images, audio, video documentation and/or written documents. 

I don’t have my own website – can I still apply? 

Yes, but it could make your application stronger if you could evidence an established profile using other relevant links (e.g. media coverage).

I don’t live in the North West – can I still apply?

Yes, but only if you are employed by, or are part of, an artistic company that is based in the North West. Artists who have simply toured or exhibited in this area are not eligible to apply

Project Details 

What kind of information should my Project Summary text contain?

This section of the application is about giving us a clear and concise summary of the project.  Should the application be successful, this text will be used on the DaDaFest website and within our initial marketing materials (full or edited). It should be clear and to the point.

What kind of information should my Project Proposal contain?

In this section, we want to hear about the art work or project, what you are planning to do, form, content, and what is it about? We want to have a clear understanding of your idea and how it addresses our Key Criteria.

What kind of information should the DaDaFest International section contain?

Please tell us why your project is right for DaDaFest. We are looking for projects that are disabled-led, demonstrate quality, ambition and innovation and address the theme of our festival and season - Translations

What kind of information should the ‘Timeline’ section contain?

The commissions need to produce work that can be incorporated into our season of work stretching through to September 2021. However, our International Festival will start in late November and we are keen to include some of these commissions in the festival programme if possible so please indicate if you expect to complete your commission before November

You need to detail the various stages that your project will need to go through and provide evidence that your work can be completed in the time that you are suggesting.

What kind of information should the Professional Development section contain?

These commissions aim to help you develop your practice. Please tell us how this project stretches your practice, whether that be in relation to skills, networks, audiences, form, new collaborations, etc. Consider what support you might need with regards to this - support could include mentoring, training, shadowing, gaining new skills and so forth.

We are planning to put in place a comprehensive support package for successful applicants so it is important for us to understand what will be required

What Information should the Access section contain?

Applicants are expected to consider access throughout the creative process and embed it in their final work. Given the digital nature of these commissions we are keen to explore creative ways of building access into the work from initial conception. In this section you should reflect this and set out how you will make the work accessible for audiences and participants within the aesthetic of your artistic idea. 

Please also indicate where and why this cannot be achieved 

What information should the Impact section contain and how should I measure the success of my project?

In this section you should outline the outcomes you plan to achieve. We would also be keen to understand what you anticipate the long term impact of the work might be, both for you and for your audience

What kind of information should my budget contain?

Please tell us how much you want from us and how you intend to spend the money, e.g. to buy materials, to cover production costs or to employ other artists. We do not expect a lot of detail on the budget, and we do not expect you to have match funding or income from other sources

We may however get in touch with you if there is anything that we need to clarify

Can you cover my access costs?

If you have self-employed artist status or work as part of an organisation or company and usually receive Access to Work support, then any access costs you incur on this commission as an artist or practitioner should be covered by Access to Work

If you do not draw an income from your work as an artist or are not eligible for Access to Work funding for other reasons then we will work with you to meet your access costs if you are selected, so please include these figures as a cost either within your project budget or as an “add on” extra above the commission if needs be.

Will audience members’ access costs be covered?

It is the responsibility of the applicant to consider how their work will be accessible for audiences and participants within the aesthetic of their artistic idea. Applicants are expected to consider access throughout the creative process and embed it in their proposal. If this is not possible then please identify your access costs in your budget, either within or as an add on extra to the commission requested, and we will work to find a way of meeting those costs. 

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