Friday 30 November 8.30am - 2.40pm
Presented by Merseyside Music Education Hub Alliance* and DaDaFest.
ReSEND is a music education conference that will challenge, equip and inspire school leaders, teachers and SEND education professionals to make great music in every school for every child.
Conference theme
This year's event will explore the concept of a 'broad and balanced' curriculum and what that might mean for your school.
See what's on offer through your local music education hubs and explore new resources available to your school.
Format of the day
Registration begins at 8.30am and conference concludes at 2.40pm
Sessions with Live Music Now, Charanga and Barry Farrimond from Open Orchestras. Presentation about the DaDaFest Ensemble project and performances from local schools.
Our inspirational keynote speaker Lloyd Coleman is a regular presenter for BBC Proms and BBC Choir of the Year as well as being recently appointed as Associate Director of the British Paraorchestra.
Free places for Headteachers/teachers/Governors from Merseyside special schools.
All other tickets £45 breakfast and lunch included.
BSL and remote capationing is provided.
To book your place, contact the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall directly by email or telephone 0151 709 3789
*Merseyside Music Education Hub Alliance consists of the following: