Your support will make a significant contribution to our work for both DaDaFest International and the sustainability of the organisation's ongoing activities for generations to come. No donation is too small or too large. For example:
- £10 will enable us to offer a free ticket to one of our events for someone on a low income
- £25 will allow us to promote the work of a disabled artist.
- £50 will allow us to provide access support, for example a taxi, to a young person to attend workshops for 2 months.
- £100 will help us provide access support including Sign Language Interpretation and Audio Description at events.
- £200 will help us bring the highest quality international disability artists to perform in Liverpool and other locations across the UK.
Make a secure and commission free donation to DaDa now via Just Giving.

For full terms and conditions and more information, please visit www.justgiving.com/info/terms-of-service.

Thank you for your support.