DaDaFest International 2022: hybrid

DaDa Academy Showcase - DaDa x Alder Hey

Our DaDa Academy programmes include coordinating arts activities for the young patients of Alder Hey Children's Hospital. As part of our 2022 festival, meet one of the participants and experience an incredible artwork he produced:

'Forever Happiness' is an original song composed and performed by Keiron, a 12 year old Liverpool lad who previously didn't know he had a passion and the talent for playing the drums and singing.

He likes all genres of music including Elvis Presley, The High Kings, Queen, Rage Against the Machine and Black Sabbath to name just a few.

Keiron was nervous about joining the project because it was something he had never done before but he need not have worried. This project has enabled Keiron to begin high school with a smile on his face and a spring in his step. It has enabled Keiron to learn a new skill, supported by DaDa team-member and drum-teacher, David Kelly, and it has also revealed hidden talents that Keiron's family will certainly be encouraging in the future.

The drumming lessons provided through DaDa enabled Keiron to not only compose a song but write the lyrics to the song 'Forever Happiness'. It is about a diver searching for something but realising that he had that something all along. The inspiration for the lyrics comes from Keiron's experience of loss and realising that sometimes you don't realise what you have until it's gone and a lot of the times what you are looking for is already there...

Forever Happiness (Music Video)


Behind the scenes

Also available is an exclusive behind the scenes documentary filmed at Sort Studios by Brian Roberts:

Find out more about about our Alder Hey project, coordinated by DaDa team-member, Katie O'Callaghan:

More information about DaDa x Alder Hey

Additional Credits
Keiron would like to thank:

"David Kelly for being an awesome teacher! And Dr Natalie Holman for putting him forward for the project."


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